Hello! I'mRiu

My name is Radosław Muszyński, but friends call me Riu. I'm software developer and consultant. I love agile, design systems and saas startups.

What I do and want to do best

I believe that my work gives you value

I operate in a few domains and focus on efficiency and quality.

Technology consulting

I can deliver software and transform your business by implementing innovative technologies and practices.

Design systems

I can create collection of guidelines, principles, and repeatable components and processes for your brand.

Saas startups

I love and know how to work in saas startups, using agile methodologies and innovations to achieve business goals.

What is my technology stack

I want to provide only the best technologies

Technology should always solve problems, not create them.







Atomic Design

Design Systems





I'm using and have experience with much more! You need details? See about section, read my blog or contact me!

What I did or wrote recently

I would like to share my knowledge and experience

I write about technologies, methodologies and challenges in my work.

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