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Pay For Done and open-source

In March this year, together with my wife and two other specialists, we founded Pay For Done. From the very beginning we knew that we would be doing something unique in the area of design ​​systems, but even if we co-create a commercial project, it is almost certain that some part of our work will be made available as open-source.

Pay For Done is an application and methodology for building design systems and software based on design systems. Using Figma integration and the app, it will be possible to generate a graphical design of the system, document it, and then generate a library of components in one of several languages. I will probably prepare a separate blog post on this topic in due course and you will certainly be able to learn more on the project website

Meanwhile, I would like to write that in connection with this project I'm producing software that will be available as open source.


Gopress is a set of components and design system prepared for the Templ template engine. The project website presents the most important information about the technology of producing components for Golang and at the same time contains a catalog of components that will be available. Gopress will be available as open source in August 2024, but it is already generating interest. At the Big Sky Dev Con conference in Montana, USA, the creator of Templ - Adrian Hesketh did mention in presentation about Gopress.

Vue and Alpine

I have already written here about the fact that I would like to provide a library of components for Vue. After validating some assumptions and for the sake of working on Gopress, I decided what changes I would introduce with Riupress UI. At the same time, all components in Vue will have their equivalents in Alpine.js. The first components on Github should appear in the coming weeks.

React, Svelte

The next stage will be to make components available for React and Svelte. There are currently a lot of UI libraries for React, but very few that show how you can create software using an atomic design approach. I want to prepare components for Svelte because it is definitely a solution worth attention. I plan to start working on the first and second with a public repository on Github in October 2024.

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